Monday, April 25, 2011

I wrote this a while ago... I think it was a few months ago but I'm not exactly sure because I just found it in my office documents. It really opened my eyes for a moment there.

"We run and grow weary. We begin to thirst and we are dry. We become so dry and tread upon this path rather than run. We slow and almost stop. We contemplate whether to turn or not because we are thirsty. But what we don't seem to realize is that God supplies the water and the thirst, so we MUST keep moving! We won't get jack by turning around. We won't get water from each other. We won't gain hunger or thirst by keeping our mind on the wrong things, the wrong people and the low places.

We get our rivers of living water and our food from God himself! From Jesus and his presence!

Passion and Hunger go hand in hand. If we are hungry, our passion to fulfill that hunger pushes us forward in the body of Christ and as individuals.

That place- that high place is where we can come and drink and be satisfied in the presence of God. That high places comes in being in perfect communion with the father and in the deep place of intercession. We're not going to get that by scraping the surfaces. We're not going to get that by worrying or feeling concerned about other things- THIS is what we press into.

One reason I started cutting things off of my life (pruning I suppose) or taking different turns with things was because I realized that it pulled me in several directions and I became confused and burdened and forgetful of the things of that higher place. I began worrying about outer circumstances and other things because it was what constantly surrounded me and pulled me. I had to cast off every sin and weight that ensnared me so that I could run and that's what I will do. I'm not getting caught up in mess. No one should- we NEED to get caught up in the higher place!

Mrs. Blonda always says to me, “It's an easy place. It doesn't have to be hard. That high place is an easy place- everything becomes light.”
I always wondered what she meant, but it's true I realize now. This race and path doesn't have to be hard. WE make it hard. Us giving into temptation makes it hard- of course the devil will always throw things at us and that makes it hard, but we choose what we focus on. If we choose to stare at someone else over on the other path then guess who's getting thrown off? Not them. We keep our heads straight and our eyes forward on Jesus, the prize! We hit those gushers and waters in prayer and we take them and run- that's what rejuvenates us, that place and his presence. That is the place we are satisfied and without it we will die. We feel dead and we feel drained.

If you grow weary and burdened, you ascend into the hill of the most high and you drink of his waters- you will surely be rejuvenated and ready to run some more. God is NOT finished with us yet.
If we look at it from a low place then it's going to look impossible. But is ANYTHING impossible for God? Is anything impossible for you when you have the Lord God Almighty at your side? He will take you into that place with him- you must hear the sound, and you must cast off any weight and sin and distraction. It MUST be cast away from you in order for you to ascend with him! Give that burden to him and let him take you up to that place!

Run your race and run it with passion!!!"

This is so awesome for the moment- more things about the rivers of living water have been stirred up in prayer. All I can say is that it's time for the flowing of the rivers and the pouring of the rain. :)

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