Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So I've been thinking a lot lately about my plans ahead as far as this summer and my Sophomore year of high school... it's so hard to believe that this year is coming to an end already- it feels like my first day of school was last month, but I suppose that's how life goes in this time.

I typed a LOAD but blogspot decided to be rude and delete it... *glare*

Anyway, I've been thinking about next year and this upcoming summer. This summer will be busy as usual. Going to Baltimore to see my dad, coming home, going to youth camp, going to kids camp as a junior counselor and here comes my second year to slap me in the face. ON TOP of that we're suppose to be moving right before I leave on my trip... and people are wanting me to do marching band next year. I want to do it! I really do. But I can't go to band camp, therefore I won't know the music, and I'll be spending my time catching up with that and doing Raiders AND getting used to my schedule...
To tell the truth, it really comes down to what matters in the long run.

I LOVE band.
Most of my friends will be in marching band next year.
But I'm going to be honest- I won't have time for it.
I'll hardly have time for raiders.

I want to focus on First Priority and campus ministry next year. My school needs it more than anything else... I wanted to do it this year but I was so stressed with how much changed and was too nervous. I saw visions and expected them to happen right away, but it doesn't work that way. Baby steps into God's plan is what needs to happen and focusing on his plan. Sometimes it rough but I've gotta push other things out of the picture in order to keep God first and the calling he's put on me... I know his calling for me because it's implanted in me, and that is to minister to those around me and influence them and to start campus ministries. It's SO big on me that I see revival in my school and I CAN'T let that down. That doesn't mean I'm not close to God if I do an EC activity. I just know how I am when I get a crowded schedule- I started getting stressed and won't have time to spend with God and seek him out. And that's what HAS to happen in order for campus ministry to go on.

I don't even know what all will happen. I just need to get students together with passion for Jesus and run with it. Start events like the Bound4Life deal, Flag pole day and doing dramas and concerts. Just having bible studies, meetings and the spreading of the gospel. SOMETHING BIG is coming to my school and God's placed it on me to go out and pioneer what he wants done, no matter what I have to give up and how much of my life it will consume. I live for eternal consequences when it all comes down to it... and this benefits eternity... so as hard is it may seem at times, I've got to do this. Even if it means giving up some stuff. It's disappointing a little, but you know what? It won't be when I see what God starts doing on our campus. And it'll be worth it all.

That reminds me... God's love makes it worth it all.

Maybe people will doubt and the potential I have to run for God and pray for him to spring up the wells of life where my friends and students are.

Maybe when I suggest revival in my school I'll get a doubtful or judged look like "Sure, whatever."

But they don't know what's coming.
They may not even understand it.

I, for one, do.
I saw it... and I'm ready for whatever God tells me to do next so I can run with it and, along the way, find the other burning ones in my school that will run with me.

It's the greatest awakening man will ever see, and it's coming to my school and my city.


  1. thats awesome. you go for it!
    you have soooo much potential to run for God and pray and see revival happen because it is God who moves and God who comes and God who stirs! we catch the spark and partner with Him by running with HIS vision. behind you 100% and i believe it can happen because our God is able!

  2. Thanks Claire; Amen to that! :) He's a big big God for sure, and we can do all things through Jesus which strengthens us. It's so exciting to even think of how much God is moving across our nations and how many people are encountering him like this. He has a desire to move in us and it's happening- we've just got to run and press for more of him!

  3. This post so blessed my heart! "God's love makes it worth it all." Such truth right there.
