Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Prayer Sunday was so thick. That song that Matt Gilman was singing on the IHOP stream has been playing over and over again in my head ever since then [as if my spirit itself were singing it.] I can't remember all of it but it really had the anointing of God on it and it was just awesome. I only remember a few of the lyrics- such as "Eyes like flames of fire " and "For the beauty of this man."
So much was happening. I'm glad we all had it prayed out- it's really good... it was amazing.

Isaiah 35 is an excellent chapter. Anyone who is reading this should look into it- it's what this generation is and it's what God is shaking in the spirit. It applies to this time. :)

One thing I have learned is that many people have an idea that getting into deep places prayer like that is some sort of special gift and blessing... and it is. But it isn't anything to stress over at all or get angry about if you can't find yourself getting into those places. God has called us to different places- so we won't always get the same thing. Some people are called to deeper places of prayer and some people aren't. That doesn't mean God is favoring anyone- he loves us all dearly and that's why he's set aside an individual plan for each of us that is all different from one another. Each is unique and specially made by him for you. (I don't know about you guys but that makes me feel rather special... :P )

The creativity of God is beautiful, too. (You'd have to think he's creative, I mean look around you at what he made.) The way intercessory prayer is- getting into deep prayer- it just takes you out of the little box religion has marked as "This is how we pray" and tossed it into an ocean of colors and deep places (hope that wasn't too metaphorical.)
Prayer isn't a box. It isn't black and white. It's not a file cabinet or a catalog. It's a river, and it's like a colorful world. You jump in and the holy spirit will teach you what to pray for that time. We can't pick things to pray about using our minds.

"Okay holy spirit, this is me talking and tonight I want to pray about the government leaders of Canada and the revivals in that country."
Problem... You can't tell the holy spirit what you want to pray about. He tells you what he wants you to pray about.
While praying for revival in Canada may be awesome, is it what he's telling you, or what you want to pray about? (I've faced this a lot myself to be honest, but it's gotten better recently.)
Anyway, the point is, there is most certainly an order in prayer, but it's not a logical thing. It's not a thinking process or analytical in-depths observation- it's learning to flow with the holy spirit and him teaching you to pray. And it's awesome!

Usually in corporate settings there is a purpose for that prayer, and other things we have we've got to pray out on our own time. When I pray for people in school, like groups, individuals, and even school in itself there are times I'll have to do it on my own time because praying in corporate settings involve different things. Revival in schools won't be on everyone elses' hearts in prayer at Monday night prayer (unless of course God is prompting everyone to pray about this)- however, things concerning the body of Christ (just for example- there is obviously more) is. And that is what we press into- what he has set. :)

Anyway, now that I've said this, let me get to why I really wanted to write this blog tonight...
I've had more of these dreams lately and they all feel so real. Like it's a real life thing and what's happening is either here now or it's soon to come. And it's so mind-racking and appalling.

One dream I had months ago was of a group of my friends in school. One of the guys I'd been praying for (I know this will sound a bit weird...) had all these crazy bugs on him. And everyone was freaking out because they were like over-coming everyone and biting everyone to the point of where it could kill them. It was like a disease spreading. I didn't know what else to do, so I layed hands on his head and shouted "In the name of Jesus I command all of those bugs to go- they have no authority and I speak them off now!!!" and suddenly all of the bugs scattered and he fell on the ground and it was like we broke into a prayer meeting... It was crazy!!!

Another one was random, but at another part past all of the randomness of my dreams there was this guy that I'm pretty good friends with in school and he was at IHOP- It was at some conference they were having, like Onething maybe in the prayer room. I remember he had his hands raised and was praying and singing and shouting to God. I know he's saved and he goes to a living church for sure, but I've noticed he's the kind of guy with a shell, and in that dream it was like the shell broke and he was worshiping more. From what I've heard he's been responding to God more the past few months from some people... and it's awesome.

Another dream I had there was this girl I'm really good friends with in school- we've been talking about revival and things lately, and I dreamed she was worshiping God with a few others too, but that part was only a glimpse. I believe in the same dream there was another part where there was this group of people and we were all praying together, and one of the guys I've become good friends with lately was there, and I remember laying hands on him and was praying, then I prophesied and from there this girl we were praying with (can't remember who she was) fell over and the guy I was prophesying over had this look of shock but he started praying too.

I had several dreams a bit like this back in July before I even came to high school- but I remember one was where this Christian revival band came to the high school to play and it was sort of like a little Ramp with fewer people. But anyway all these people got saved and filled with the holy spirit... (THAT's what's come up a lot- people getting the holy spirit and getting like revived and revolutionized... This generation and time we're living in is a time full of people desiring to have a real actual encounter with God.)

These aren't the first dreams I had. And I doubt they're the last...

With all of that and the dreams of revival in school I had over the summer before I even went. They've occurred more frequently...

One thing I know for sure is that we've gotta embrace for what's ahead as the generation of God and as the body of Christ, because whatever's coming, it's coming on fast.

There was a shift in the things of God.
Now the walls are down...
and the flood is here.
This IS the movement.


  1. Nice Blog, I'm glad you're growing in the Spiritual things and that the Holy Ghost is teaching you a lot. Pray for me when you have the time, I'm moving slowly back into this deep place again, and its not easy, I kept asking Mrs. Blonda to pray for me, cause I had all these weights holding me back. Last night, I let go a whole bunch of weight. But I still need help moving forward. Just thought I'd tell you. Oh and we need to talk soon, it's been a long time since we had a chance to talk. See yah

    -Bruce E. Somerville II

  2. Oh and my the way, yes, I do have a blogspot, have had it for a while, but don't bother trying to read it cause I never write anything on there anyway.
